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Instant Funnels

The #1 resource for building highly converting funnels fast!

Scaling your business, getting sales and leads on autopilot has never been easier. All you need is the right tools and guidance. 

The fastest way to multiply your sales. 

Social Media Masterplan

Sales funnels are the fastest way to get new clients and bring in sales on autopilot. 

It is the best thing you can do for your business.... because you build it once and reap the revenue for many years to come. 

Of all marketing activities, sales funnels offer the biggest return on investment ever. 

Funnels are scalable. It means they let you grow your revenue and expand beyond your current clientele and location. 

Funnels are precisely what you need to get more leads and sales without cold calling or chasing your prospects.

Launch highly converting Funnels in just one afternoon

The Instant Funnels Bundle is designed to help you instantly build your own beautiful and highly converting funnels.
By combining years of experience in all four key areas of profitable funnel building, this original kit is as unique as its creators.
We have combined all elements of what makes excellent funnels together:
  • Copywriting
  • ​Graphic Design
  • ​Marketing
  • ​Business Acumen
We distilled the key elements into a practical, easy-to-use, and versatile solution you can use to build and launch your funnels in no time. 

I’m so excited to be showing you this because…

When you use this kit, you’ll become an unstoppable business guru. Your friends will admire your ability to generate money and leads on-demand, anywhere in the world, in any niche imaginable.

What you get with the Instant Funnels Bundle:

Magnetic Funnel TEMPLATES

Get templates of our best-performing funnels.  Simply click the link and have an entire funnel populated to your account. The templates are annotated to help you quickly navigate and easily adapt to your specific business.

Hand-picked Funnel GRAPHICS Pack

Improve conversions and have your funnels stand out from the competition with professionally designed graphics.  We have hand-picked over 300 design elements you can just drag and drop into your funnels to make them look really smart. These elements include backgrounds, badges, banners, icons, images, and more. 

COPYWRITING Templates and Frameworks

Easily write engaging and converting texts for your funnels and ads.  Just follow our copywriting prompts. We've already tested what works and included the winners in your Funnel Kit.  

Opt-in Pages, Sales Pages,  Ads, Order Bumps & Upsell TEMPLATES

Fill in the blank Templates for everything you need to create engaging texts for your own highly converting funnel at lighting speed and with no headaches. 

Funnel MAPS

Plan the perfect funnels for any objective with easy-to-follow Funnel Maps. 

Email SWIPE File

Leverage your email list and sell in the most cost-effective way.  Steal our winning email campaigns. We've included our best-performing emails in a special swipe file for you.

Complete Funnel Building TRAINING

Step-by-step comprehensive video training on how to build your own funnels including practical live demonstrations. Watch how I build funnels right in front of your eyes as I explain everything. 

1-on-1 Expert ADVICE

Get expert advice on your funnel. You can submit your funnel or an idea for us to review, assess, and give you honest feedback. This will help you make sure your funnel brings results fast!

Everything you need to get clients and sales from the internet

Funnels are the way to go when you want to get money from the internet. And we included everything you need to build profitable funnels in our Funnel Kit. All you need to do is grab it. You have lifetime access to everything, including future updates!

How do I know this works?

We lost 90% of our regular clients (ouch!) when everything went into lockdown in 2020.

For most businesses losing more than 25% of regular clientele would mean certain death, right? Not for us, though. 

In fact, it was the best year to that date. Why? Because we launched a new sales funnel right at that time. 

We made $250k in revenue from just one funnel that year. 

Next, I created a lead generation funnel for my coaching business. It fills my sales team’s calendar with appointments automatically. It costs us, on average, $270 to get a $2,400 sale. Not bad, huh?

We also have a funnel filling our mailing list with pre-qualified leads at a rate of 30 new leads a day (with minimal ad spend, I might add).

And, of course, when we build a funnel for selling physical products, it outperforms an average e-shop every time.

When you build them the right way...

Funnels are the fastest way to grow your revenue.

Social Media Masterplan

Funnels bring clients and sales for ANY business:

Ruka from New Zealand used a simple sales funnel to go from five sales per day to 80 sales per day selling only one physical product - a specialized cooking pot to a very narrow audience.
Thomas from Germany uses funnel to get more foot traffic into his retail store.  His offline sales went up by 21% since implementing a funnel. He also gets an extra €13k in revenue from direct online sales through his funnel.
Sophia from Philippines created a side business by using funnels to sell her digital products - a sewing patterns - online. She has more time to be with her family and they can finally travel the world as a result. 
A two-page lead magnet funnel brings in 250 real-estate buyer leads per month for Silvanus in South Africa. They sold a first unit three weeks after launching the funnel. 
Marius from central Africa uses webinar funnel to get signups for his webinar and build his list. Marius increased his prices by 10x after implementing his funnel because the demand was so high.
Pierre uses a holiday booking funnel to bring guests for his small hotel in southern France.  The list building side effect of the funnel helps him fill the hotel in the off season, setting him apart from all competition. 
We have story after story of people who used funnels to scale their business.  It's simple with the Instant Funnels kit.

YES, This will help you get more clients & customers.

You've probably heard this claim many times. So why should this be any different? 

If you're driven entrepreneur who want to succeed and get more sales, clients, and customer, without unnecessary stress, this is for you. 

This One-of-a-kind Funnel Kit contains everything you need to build a highly converting funnel for your business, regardless on what niche are you in.  We have used the exact same tools to create limitless leads and sales for many of our private clients who paid us close to $10k each to have a funnel built.  Now we're offering it to you for a fraction of the price.

PLUS we actually made this Instant Funnels Kit even better. Included in the package are copywriting templates where you just fill-in-the-blanks to ensure you cannot fail

Why thousands of people like you are loving it:

"Worth it 150%!!! Best purchase I have made to help my business."
– Emma, New Plymouth, New Zealand
"This is amazing! I bought it because I have a hard time coming up with content and it has seriously helped. You can apply it to pretty much any industry. This was some of the more useful money I've invested for my business since I only advertise my services online.  
Honest feedback."
– Di, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
"OMG, this stuff really works!  I mean I have tried building a funnel for my bookstore business before, but it never really took off.  Then I found this [Funnel Building] Kit and within five weeks of launching my funnel based on the template I can see the revenue went up by 16%... and we're just getting started lol"
– Kate, New York, USA
I VERY rarely swipe up on ads, and I have NEVER bought anything like this before, but this time I did. 
I just downloaded everything and had a quick look, and it looks great.  
It's easy to understand, and I usually have a hard time understanding instructions (just ask my friends :)  I am really excited about this, thanks so much, now it's up to me how far I can take my business, but this will REALLY help, I can tell already! THANKS!
– Fernando, Stockholm, Sweden
"This made building my funnel really simple.  I mean I had the core of it done in just one afternoon. It was nice that I could see how it's built in real time. Of course the included graphics was a godsend as I'm not creative at all and they made my funnel look nice, attention-grabbing, and professional. Thanks for putting it together, it's well worth the value."
– Thomas, San Francisco, USA
"I have seen hundreds of people trying to marketing kits and I purchased yours 🤩
I am so 
impressed, what you have created is amazing and whilst I have only looked at 1/4 of it my mind is already buzzing with a million new ideas. Thank you ❤️
– Rosey, Kalgoorlie, Australia

Here is what you will get:

  • Magnetic Funnel TEMPLATES   
  • ​Hand-picked Funnel GRAPHICS Pack
  • COPYWRITING Templates and Frameworks 
  • Opt-in Pages, Sales Pages & Email Templates
  • Funnel MAPS
  • Complete Funnel Building TRAINING 
  • Best Sales Emails SWIPE File 
  • ​Lead Magnet Ideas & Examples
  • ​Psychological Pricing Hacks 
  • ​1-on-1 Expert STRATEGIC ADVICE
  • ​Future UPDATES 
You can use this witn ANY platform. Not just ClickFunnels.

Get Full Access Today for $47 one time fee

or choose 4x installments of only $15. Full Access.

100% Money Back Guarantee
Satisfaction Guarantee

Zero Risk Money Back Guarantee

My No#1 priority is your happiness. I know being a small business owner is hard work. It gets even harder when you have a family to feed, that's why I do my best to help other entrepreneurs like you. 

I stand by my product 100%, no matter what. I am so certain of the value this tool brings to entrepreneurs that I offer a Zero Risk Money Back Guarantee + Happiness Guarantee. 

No questions asked, no if, no buts, no holds barred, no fine print.  If, for any reason, you are not happy with the purchase, I will solve it. Refund your money, send you an updated version, provide you with extra tools, whatever it takes. Just reach out, I have your back.  

Here is all the AMAZING stuff you get immediately: 

Instant Funnels

  • The No.1 tool to Instantly build your own funnels. 
  • ​Includes Magnetic Funnel Templates you can implement and use with just a few clicks. 
  • ​Get our Hand-picked Funnel Graphics Pack with professionally designed graphics elements for your funnels.  Save hours of precious time and make your funnels convert better by making them appealing and professional.
  • ​Comes with Copywriting Prompts and Frameworks to help you easily write engaging and converting texts for your funnels and ads.
  • ​Comes with pre-planned funnel maps so can plan perfect funnels for any objective.
  • ​Includes even an email swipe file so you can leverage your email list and sell in the most cost-effective way.  

Instant Funnel Templates

  • Our Best Performing Funnel templates you can just plug into your ClickFunnels account, and use to build and launch your funnels overnight
  • ​Includes Opt-in Funnels, Sales Funnels, Lead Magnet funnel, Webinar funnel, Appointment funnel, Club info funnel & more...

✓ Included 

Professional Graphics Pack

  • Graphics Pack with over 300 images, backgrounds, icons & more
  • ​We have custom designed this to help you create highly converting, engaging and winning funnels.
  • ​Separate yourself from the rest of the boring pages. You're spacial and so should your funnel.

✓ Included 

Opt-in Page Templates

  • Copywriting templates for your opt-in pages.  
  • ​No more staring at the screen. Simply fill-in the blanks and launch!
  • ​Easy to use. Easy to adapt to any niche. 

✓ Included 

Perfect Sales Page Guide

  • A cookbook for creating million-dollar pages. 
  • ​Tested frameworks and examples.
  • ​Based on the findings of one of the best selling modern copywriter today responsible for creating 8, even 9 figure sales pages.
  • ​Simple to follow, easy to implement.

✓ Included 

Order Bumps & Upsell Templates

  • Copywriting templates for your opt-in pages.
  • ​Increase revenue by following a simple formula. 
  • ​Fill in the blank Templates.
  • ​Simple to follow, easy to implement.

✓ Included 

Money-Making Emails Swipe File

  • Grab our winning emails.
  • ​Swipe file with our story-based emails that generate sales.
  • ​Copy this and use it to ensure you sell every time you do an email campaign.

✓ Included 

Viral Social Media Posts

  • Never struggle with promoting your funnel on social media.
  • ​115 Organic Social Media Post Ideas.
  • ​121 Viral Questions to spark engegement.
  • ​Easy to implement.

✓ Included 

Social Media Ads Templates

  • Fill in the blank Copywriting Templates for FB Ads.
  • ​Tested and proven Frameworks for creating ads people love to engage with.
  • ​Examples of 6-7 figure ads.
  • ​Easy to follow, simple to use. 

✓ Included 

Lead Magnet Ideas

  • Get leads on autopilot with Lead Magnet funnel.
  • ​This handy book includes ideas what you can easily use as a lead magnet.
  • ​Easy to implement, full of actionable ideas. 

✓ Included 

21 Psychological Pricing Hacks to Increase Sales

  • This is by far the easiest way to sell more and increase your revenue. It can only take five minutes of your time to make a small change to your prices while results can be massive.
  • ​Discover the pricing hacks leveraging human psychology in your favour.
  • ​Learn how to increase your prices while making them seem lower. 
  • ​Discover how you can cleverly display your prices to increase your sales.
  • ​And find out how you can get more people to buy simply by changing a few words on your sales pages or at your store. 

✓ Included 

Effortless Funnel Building Masterclass

  • This is your comprehensive cookbook for building funnels. When you watch this practical training, you'll be able to create any type of funnel you need to get clients and customers. 
  • ​Discover how funnels work, and how to structure them for maximum revenue.
  • ​Take a tour with me dissecting our best performing funnels 
  • ​Watch my step-by-step demonstration of how I build Lead Generation funnels right on your screen. 
  • ​Learn how to easily build your own sales funnels.
  • ​Find out how to sell and get prospects to say YES even if they didn't buy at first.

✓ Included 

Full Access to Complete Funnel Building & Marketing Kit
Our Best Performing ClickFunnels 
Graphics Pack with over 300 images, backgrounds, icons & more
Funnel Maps & Examples
Funnel Building Training Videos
Also includes Templates for:
  • ​LEAD Generation Pages
  • ​OPT-IN Pages
  • ​​SALES Pages
  • ​​EMAILS for Sales & Follow-up
  • ​​Social Media Posts
  • ​Facebook ADS
... and much more!

If you have been struggling building profitable funnels, this is for you

You may have tried using funnels to sell your offer before.  The problem is that since more and more people have realized funnels are the best way to get sales and clients, building a profitable funnel has become much more difficult than before. 

That's why you need a funnel template built on a system that has been proven to work, even in recession. 

Instant Funnels Kit will give you exactly that.  A simple way to launch beautiful, engaging funnels that convert. Plus you get an expert advice tailored to your specific business ...  and a complete funnel building training which you can access on demand. 

It's everything you need to launch a six-figure funnel in one afternoon. 

Get FULL Access to your Instant Funnels Kit NOW

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All prices stated are in US Dollars.
This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.
version: 22.09.22